Update System

  1. Download the latest firmware from XperiFirm
  2. Download NewFlasher, copy newflasher.exe and newflasher.x64 to the firmware directory
  3. Turn off the phone, hold the volume button -, insert USB cable, the indicator light turns green and release
  4. Run NewFlasher
  5. Note: input y to keep data when asking if you want to keep data.

ROOT - Ksu

  1. Download UnSIN
  2. In the firmware directory, find init_boot_X-FLASH-ALL-25B1.sin
  3. Drag sin file to unsin.exe to get init_boot_X-FLASH-ALL-25B1.img
  4. Use kernelSU app to patch init_boot_X-FLASH-ALL-25B1.img to get kernelsu***.img
  5. Reboot to fastboot mode, execute fastboot flash init_boot kernelsu***.img
  6. Reboot

Hide StatusBar VOLTE、VONR Icons

Redo after every update

  1. Find carrierconfig-*** in data/user_de/0/com.android.phone/files(Dual SIM, two files)
  2. About 50+ lines, <boolean name="s_show_volte_icon_in_status_bar_bool" value="true" />
  3. value="true" change to value="false"
  4. Reboot

Lawnchair - Ksu
